
Matthew: The Gospel of the King

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Matthew: The Gospel of the King

Sermon series in the Gospel of Matthew

November 10, 2019

The King's Great Conquest & Command

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 28:1–20

October 13, 2019

The King Betrayed

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 26:1–75

October 6, 2019

The King is Coming

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 25:1–25

September 29, 2019

When Will the King Come?

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 24:1–51

September 15, 2019

The King's Last Address

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 23:1–38

September 8, 2019

Questioning the King

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 22:15–46

September 1, 2019

A Royal Wedding Feast

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 22:1–14

August 25, 2019

Battle for the Kingdom

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 21:12–46

August 18, 2019

The King’s Offering

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 20:29–34

August 11, 2019

Upside Down Kingdom

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 19:27–30, Matthew 20:1–28

August 4, 2019


Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 19:13–30

July 28, 2019

Missing the Supernatural

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 19:1–12

June 23, 2019

Priorities of Ministry

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 18:1–35

June 9, 2019

A Glimpse of Glory

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 17:1–27

June 2, 2019

Examine Yourself

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 16:1–28

May 26, 2019

Ministry of Grace & Truth

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 15:1–35

May 12, 2019

The Longest Day

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 14:1–34

April 14, 2019

Influence & Harvest

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 13:24–43

April 7, 2019

Mysteries of The Kingdom

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 13:1–23

March 31, 2019

The King's Mission

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 12:1–50

March 10, 2019

Soldiers of The King

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 10

February 24, 2019

The King's New Paradigm

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 9:14–38

February 17, 2019

The Power & Compassion of The King

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 8:1– 9:13

January 27, 2019

Clear Eyes

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 6:16–34

January 20, 2019

The Practice of Righteousness

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 6:1–15

January 13, 2019

Greater Righteousness - Part 2

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 5

December 30, 2018

Salt & Light

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 5:13–20

December 16, 2018

Life In The Kingdom

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 4:23– 5:11

November 25, 2018

Strategy of The King

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 4:23–25

November 11, 2018

Making Fishers of Men

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 4:18–22

November 4, 2018

The King Begins

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 4:12–17

October 28, 2018

The Victory of The King

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 4

October 21, 2018

Coronation of The King

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 3:11–17

September 23, 2018

The Magi

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 2

September 16, 2018

The King is Born

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 1:18–25

September 9, 2018

The Family of Jesus

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the King Topic: Sunday Morning Service Passage: Matthew 1:1–17


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